Cosmos Reborn
Happy Theology on the New Creation
by John Crowder
Sons of Thunder Publications
Take a grace-centered look at regeneration, the new creation and the new birth. Christ cured the human condition. John's new book explores the universal scope of the cross - if one died for all, then all died! "For God was in Christ reconciling the cosmos to Himself." He has woven humanity into His divinity! Dispel the myth of a dark, schizophrenic god of religion. This book makes a scandalous case that the Father of Jesus Christ is in a good mood.
Need a religious detox? Have a dose of happy theology on the new creation! Good news to liberate your life ...
Though we opposed Him as "enemies in our minds," God never set Himself against us as our enemy. Adam was breathed from the very life of God, and it has always been the Creator's intent to restore humanity to the bliss and immortality of its divine origin. In the incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God included you and united the entire created order into Himself, bringing an end to decay and corruption. Mortality has been swallowed up by immortality.
Introduction by Francois Du Toit
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