
Thank you for your partnership!
We love building relationships with believers who share our DNA. They are fanatic Gospel lovers – pushing the envelope in Trinitarian scandal of grace. We are truly blessed by the financial support of our partners, and we are encouraged that folks want to be a closer part of our Sons of Thunder family. We have been graced with some of the most extreme, committed partners around. They have an appetite for pioneering, mystery and adventure for plunging headlong into new ground with the ancient faith. Our partners tend to be risk takers, and so many are very faithful, long-term supporters.
If you are looking for a ministry in which to invest, we welcome you into our family, and look forward to the Lord weaving our destinies together as we co-labor in His Glory. Partnership is a way to continually associate with blessing and the favor on SOT through regular financial giving. Your gift practically connects. We invite you to make a one-time contribution or invest long-term in this ministry by taking a more committed step toward monthly partnership. Regardless, we value relationship. We often meet our partners at meetings and events around the world and it is always a special encouragement to us, knowing that individuals and families have joined with the vision and mandate on our lives.
Become a partner now by choosing a monthly amount
Donate Securely through PayPal. Sons of Thunder is a registered 501(c)3 charitable non-profit ministry. All donations are tax deductible.
What your support accomplishes
When you become part of Sons of Thunder, you become part of a supernatural renaissance of believers releasing a mystical revelation of the finished work of Jesus Christ in creative new outlets for our generation. You are also helping us reach the poor and broken of the world – and ultimately our gifts are a fragrant worship we pour into the Glory of God Himself. The Kingdom of God is not just about a single man or ministry. As we partner together, we can see greater victories as one Mystical Body. We firmly believe in the supernatural principle of miraculous return that comes to the grace giver, and we fully expect a manifestation of abundance that is already yours in Christ.

The Glory of the Gospel
We are a ministry that is committed to the Presence of God Himself and the revelation of the grace of the Trinity. Your contributions help fund the contagious spread of the Message all around the world by supporting our free video broadcasts, magazines, publications, teaching ministry and many other efforts to equip the church – ultimately changing society!
Reaching the Poor
Your financial gift is a beautiful act of love to the poor. One of our primary objectives is to reach those in the margins of society – the forgotten, broken, fatherless and downtrodden of the world. As we give to the poor, we believe that we are literally worshipping Christ Himself. Sons of Thunder currently operates multiple homes for orphans in India and the Philippines. We also travel to the most impoverished and war-torn areas of the world, bringing the Good News with tangible, practical demonstrations of love. From garbage dumps to leper colonies to those locked in the sex slave trade, your gift makes a difference to the “least of these.”
Investing in Souls
Finally, your gifts fuel the Gospel to the unreached. By investing in souls, you help us host evangelism outreaches in the most remote areas of the world. To date, SOT has seen hundreds of thousands make decisions for Christ. There is no price you could put on a single soul, but your partnership is a practical means of sending us to harvest the fields that are ripe.

God has destined you for favor and made you the recipient of both spiritual and natural blessings. We are children of divine inheritance. We do not “buy” the anointing. But as we believe by grace that we have already “obtained an inheritance” (Eph. 1), both spiritual and natural – we begin to explode with generosity out of our new creation hearts. He says we already have it all – and as we trust and give out of this revelation, we see it manifest more and more!
A New Perspective on Giving
A grace giver always out-gives a law giver! We have never really given God anything – all that we have came from Him. So our giving is always a response – an exercise in trust, as we expect a continued multiplication. Paul is clear that financial sowing and reaping is a real, New Covenant principle. But we don’t do it in a legalistic or transactional way. As our eyes of faith are opened to see we are already filthy rich sons of the King – we start to give and live like it – giving beyond ourselves!

The principle of sowing was never intended to be a fearful, legal obligation. It was always a miraculous sacrament intended to bless others, and consequently work for us! Don’t let religion fool you … you are created to steward supernatural wealth. The scriptures always appeal to men’s expectancy in the area of giving – always anticipating a return. As we live according to our new, glorious nature, we also reap the benefits. We participate in our inheritance as we sow into the Glory.
We believe alongside our partners for a greater and greater manifestation of the favor that is already yours in Jesus.